Sunday, September 30, 2012


A topic on crush/crushed hmm a hard topic for me as i dont really know what it really mean but i try to post something out of it haha so if what i say below is irrelevant please forgive me >< 

In physically term Crush/Crushed means compressive forces is acting on something like this (the arrows stands for the forces)  > object <   thats what happen in most car accidents
some people treat this word as a failure word to describe them that they have failed to accomplish something

In romance terms, is the first stage of signs, showing likeness to someone, is a sudden increase of feeling for the person when you see him/her it can be also she/he it can be regard as a eye candy if you regard him/her abit more special than normal friends but do not want to progress further as friends. 
a simple crush can be started from looks, personality and etc
it might and might not last for long depends on your feelings
but it can make your feelings more deeper for that person and it turned to love 

Signs of crush:
Eye contact: ( if someone hole eye contacts with you for a long period when he/she is talking to you) 
[studies say that if you see someone you like your pupil will automatic get bigger without you knowing] 

Nervous when talking to you: ( the person heart will beat fast when he/she look at you and could not think of what to say to you)
[ abit true, but some people might do something else to overcome this nervousness]

Willing to do anything you ask: (he/she will definitely do anything for you if you requested)
[the most obvious sign, but some guys might treat girls very nice and treat them as very good friends]

He/She will pop out everywhere,whenever you go: (He/She will find opportunities to get closer to you so he/she will be there if he/she knows you are there)
[ a very common sign but is hard to tell if he/she have a crush on you]

Smiles: (He/she will smile at you like this =D a very big grin when he/she saw you.)
[common sign but is hard to tell if he/she really have a crush on you too, he/she can be just happy]

The way he/she talks: (he/she can talk to his/her friends very chor lor aka like very open and very care free but when he/she talks to you they be more careful of their words used and their tone of speaking)
 [not all will show this sign but this sign is obvious] 

personal view from me when i have a crush on someone.. hahaha almost all of the factors i listed above will be shown except the 4th one haha as for the last factor i do have it last time but now no. because  i like to be the person who i really am. be yourself and people will naturally like the way you are =].

This is true also ><: 

*I Do Not Own This Picture*

Saturday, September 22, 2012

~What does not kill me but make me stronger~

hmmm.. this is a tough topic that my friend requested me to blog  but i will try, so do forgive me if i did say anything wrong and is based on how i view it so is not really accurate  and correct. 

What does not kill me but make me stronger is a famous quote said by the philosopher Nietzsche, it is related to pain , when you receive pain, you do hurts, but that give you a opportunity to make you stronger,
"No Pain, No Gain', at least it do not kill you but hurt you instead. no one can be stronger when they do not get hurt. the hurt must not be a physical hurt. can be any hurt like emotional hurt. and form of depressing feeling you have is considered a hurt to you. it do harm your body if you do not handle that feeling well. 
After going through the hurt, you will be more resistant to the hurt that did to you before. 
like the worst thing you have already experienced it once or twice so other problems wont be as serious as that? then you wont be so badly affected by it and also if the same thing happen to you in future you will know how to handle your feelings well .

Failures is also a factor that it does not kill you but makes you stronger, like i said in my previous post, a person can never succeed without failing several times. the more you fail the more stronger you will get as you will strive you to do better and you will learn from your mistakes

Failure is the Mother of Success, a Chinese idiom
Shi bai nai cheng gong zhi mu 

Every failure that you experience is a chance to learn from it and find success.
Knowing what does not work is just as important as finding out what does work.

Actually in life is always this 2 aspect that will make you stronger if you relies, you might hate pain and hate failures but if you think at another point is a great opportunity to learn from it. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012


I decided to blog on the topic > Hope today, requested by my friend
so.. what is Hope?
there is many views and definitions about Hope 

1) The feeling of something you wish that it will happen to you?
    E.g i HOPE i will score straight As for my examination

2) When you are worried for someone?
     E,g i HOPE he is fine..he is sick for a few weeks!

3) A light at the end of a tunnel?
    E.g a cancer patient is at its final cancer stage but there is a sudden turn of events the patient got better.
    there is HOPE!

These is the 3 common daily feelings of HOPE, everybody hopes! so is not a bad thing!
sometimes hope is a tool that drive you forward

A student might be failing every single exam and feel very down, demoralize but when the student improves a little.the feeling of HOPE(a chance of success) will suddenly be in thee student, and the student will use that feeling to push himself/herself further. 

like we always have charity shows, we will donate money by calling its hotlines which gives HOPE to the  patients that they will get well from the money we donated to fund the treatments and equipment

Determination and willpower will be shown by your own when there is no any option left, when your situation is already at the most bottom level. 
E.g something bad happen to you and you still be like.. there is still chance of getting back the same situation you previously.

in my own opinion HOPE is a stepping stone when you failed or you feel very depress 
and having this hope you will have the willpower to stand up and be more stronger and get back what you want which is also linked to the first view stated above, the feeling of something you wish that it will happen to you.

so is like this

You got something > You lost it  > Depressed > Hope > Determination > Get back on your feet

the last stage getting back on your feet dose not mean you can get what you got depends. but you will definitely be stronger 
like this saying a child would not learn how to walk if he dose not fall
also linked to a man wont be successful if he dose not make mistakes and fails
> Making mistakes will help you to learn more instead.

you might not agree to what i say as different people have different views about hope and this is mine stated above. 
An advice to my viewers . Dont give up when you fail. there is hope always even if you could no get your end result at least you learned something to prevent it from happening it again.

                                                           * I Do Not Own This Picture*

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11, World Trade Centre

Today is the 11th year and it is same day that the  World Trade Center in the United States collapses in 2001. Is a day that shook the whole world and the day where terrorism became a global threat.
 During the 9/11 attack, the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon is attacked, the both tower collapses and causing a third nearby tower collapse.Many people lost their lives, The economy is badly affected.
Today is always a day to remind the whole world about the danger of terrorism 
we should do our part by staying vigilant when we are outside. and always think of the effects if it really happen to us.
Rest In Peace for those who passed away during the attack and helpers who tried to save the trapped people.

                                                         *I Do Not Own This Picture*

Monday, September 10, 2012

Prelim Resumes

After a week of holiday i am back to school.. abit odd wearing school uniform again haha dunno why.
had my maths paper 2 today... is quite durable but my mind got blanked when doing trigonometry wasted 20mins doing it but able to speed up my work and able to do the last page of the paper even though didnt complete the bottom half of the graph but is a good attempt by me. i think i have improved but i need to ace maths.!
My History paper did not come out what i studied but haha a good attempt too on source. all questions i am able to do. now is the speed of doing it.
i wanted to study for my physic for tomorrow paper after school but kinda lazy haha and slack with the rest half way keep talk about jobs and jobs thinking what to do after Os end in 59 days woosh!
we played chinese word game is a game that u either say 2 words or 4 words then u have to say another word by using the last word as your starting word. we played for 1hour plus till they have a forfeit which who loses the game have to treat ice cream.. and i lost haha.
we went to 7-11 nearby school and oh my the ice cream so expensive and there is 5 of us >< aaha so we switch to bubble tea!
slacked the whole day..hahaha. so means i have to study hard later. 39 days. full chiong and dont stop, thats my plan but i still lacking my fire. haha shall light it up again and force it to come back to me.

* I Do Not Own This Picture *

Saturday, September 8, 2012

A Day By The Beach Alone (8/9/2012)

~ A hole that is likely not caused by human but by a crab or some creature~

~Decided to sit further up the rock as is more comfortable~

~Ships along the horizon ~

~Clear sky with the sun above~

~Wave clashing on the rocks~

~Wave clashing in~

Today after my maths tuition at park way decide to go to east coast park alone. as my npcc study mates all have chalet haha they leave me alone =[ ahahs joking so yea.. feel like going to the beach again. walked from rock 2 to rock 5.. the old MacDonald is undergoing construction so i could not stay at rock 4 too inconvenient for me even if it holds some of my good memories with her. got my self a bottle of Coke zero and sit on the rock 5 at first i siting at the bottom very near to the water.. but is so uncomfortable so i moved up and sit on a smooth surface. took of my top and just lie there like a dead person haha . around 330 i decided to head back to Toa Payoh and find a place to study. i went to sky garden 12th floor.. is full people and saw some familiar faces there so i decided to go down to 8th floor roof garden. is a very quiet place a very good place to stdudy but quite warm so i decided to go to the library to have air con and study there. even though there is no table for me to do my revision, a single sofa is enough for me. studied my history there and fall asleep most of the times haha even though there is a sign saying no sleeping. but i doze off while reading about Stalin.

Today is a day that i remember most of my times with her.. but is already over. just recalling and misses the times. but oh well i can say is very soon i will move on completely. regrets will turn into a learning lesson even though it cant salvage the relationship but is a mistake learnt that will prevent problems in the future.

Holiday ending in a day. prelims will continue on Monday. time to fight for Os. no more playing. time to get serious. 45+ days left

Friday, September 7, 2012


Its Friday already 7/9/2012 1.10AM . the 1 week school holiday going to end pretty soon.. not very productive this holiday which i wanted it to be. no motivation to push as much as i want.. but did do abit of revision for maths, a good recap for me, spended most of my times at sky garden and playing pool with my friends. been having a very normal and relaxed mood throughout the week until now
dont know why i suddenly feel very empty.. no mood, no emotions. even when playing gunz i do not have the mood to play. dont really feel like doing anything. but also dont feel like sleeping.
whats wrong with me? i dont know. maybe i am tired?  maybe i am stressed out?
feeling alone?.. again? i dont know.
is this the feeling of Emptiness? when you dont know how you even feel?
Maybe it is..

                                   *I Do Not Own This Picture*


Monday, September 3, 2012


Dreams? is what you desire? is what you want? hence you will dream? i did myself a experiment before which is think of something very often and before i sleep. and i really dream of that something. an Chinese idom saying
"ri you suo si, ye you suo meng"
translation means: Day of thought, Night has dream
                           The result of One's thought during the day, is one's dream during the night

it works! somehow my experiment.. but what if you do not think anymore but it come so suddenly.? is it what you truly want deep down your heart? or is it a Coincidence?
to me dreams do affect my decision making sometimes.
some dreams are opposite of reality, some predict the future. or some is what you really desire.
i had a dream last night and it really make me think and reflect again.. but is not something that i wan to dream again i guess??

*I Do Not Own This Picture*

Holiday Mood

haha today will not upload any picture that i took. just wanna share what i feeling now.
i just dont have the mood to study much today.. i just feel kinda tired and lazy to start studying. listening to techno music did not help as much as i expected. i do need the motivation to study. left 50+ days or even less to my Os and i still slacking around.. N lvl is tomorrow. so all the best to my friends who are taking it haha
been thinking recently isit really over? have i already accept the fact is already over? is. already a year. i still felt it is yesterday since then. i. did many mistakes by trying to replace her but i know is wrong. very wrong a mistake that i dun wanna do it again.. decided to let it fade naturally. i have grown and matured and i learned more. feel kinda bad actually for scolding my friend over his love personality yesterday night but have good intentions..just hope he changed to the better. if not he really have to go through what i went through which will regret at the later part. sighs. still regret.. all i can do is remind myself not to repeat it
cmon tomorrow.. let me study . SEPTEMBER please be better even though is the revision period for Os.. block periods, LSPs. endless sleep. am i prepared for it?
Dnt is crap i still thinking it sometimes.. i did not finish what i suppose to finish despite the effort i put in.. but is over already have to focus on other subjects.
Music = my life, my source for my feelings,

Music = My life, No music = No Life
*I Do not own this picture. it is copyrighted the link is below:

taken from:

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Macritche10km run/trek (28/03/2012)

~ The beginning of Tree Top Walk~

~Jeffrey never fails to pose when a camera is on him ;) haha~

~Middle of the Tree Top Bridge haha manage to persuade Jerry to take a picture~

~A view from the Bridge~

~Still a long way to go!~

~While going down a wooden stairs i saw a type of moth in its caterpillar form*could not find its specific moth name*~

~A Red Dragonfly Had a very hard time taking this picture~

~Another one spotted on the wooden planks this Dragonfly kept flying around took about 15min to take this picture without alarming it~

~A green brownish with yellow spots butterfly spotted by chance when we were walking along the track~

~A male and a female butterfly attracting each other. seems like its going to mate anytime ~

~Had Chicken Stew after the tiring run and trek~

~Mushroom cafe..sadly it is not there anymore. all of us ordered iced milo~

~i forget whats the name but is Jeffrey's meal seems delicious too~

These picture is taken at 28-03-2012 it been a long while ago, did not have the time to post it until now.. do not really feel like studying so shall blog! haha. yea we wanted to run 10km straight but halfway the track is impossible to run.. too many tree roots and rocks need jump around is slippery and dangerous as the night before it rained and almost slip and fall while stepping on the rocks. and i relies Macritche is not a place to run is a place to trek but a good place to relax yourself from urban stress. wanted to take pictures of monkeys but i cant. too many of them in  a group. i took picture of them before and they jumped wanted to attack me so they feel threatened when you wanna take a picture of them so i decided to stop and let them be. a good run a good trek wish to go back there someday to take pictures again.