Saturday, September 22, 2012

~What does not kill me but make me stronger~

hmmm.. this is a tough topic that my friend requested me to blog  but i will try, so do forgive me if i did say anything wrong and is based on how i view it so is not really accurate  and correct. 

What does not kill me but make me stronger is a famous quote said by the philosopher Nietzsche, it is related to pain , when you receive pain, you do hurts, but that give you a opportunity to make you stronger,
"No Pain, No Gain', at least it do not kill you but hurt you instead. no one can be stronger when they do not get hurt. the hurt must not be a physical hurt. can be any hurt like emotional hurt. and form of depressing feeling you have is considered a hurt to you. it do harm your body if you do not handle that feeling well. 
After going through the hurt, you will be more resistant to the hurt that did to you before. 
like the worst thing you have already experienced it once or twice so other problems wont be as serious as that? then you wont be so badly affected by it and also if the same thing happen to you in future you will know how to handle your feelings well .

Failures is also a factor that it does not kill you but makes you stronger, like i said in my previous post, a person can never succeed without failing several times. the more you fail the more stronger you will get as you will strive you to do better and you will learn from your mistakes

Failure is the Mother of Success, a Chinese idiom
Shi bai nai cheng gong zhi mu 

Every failure that you experience is a chance to learn from it and find success.
Knowing what does not work is just as important as finding out what does work.

Actually in life is always this 2 aspect that will make you stronger if you relies, you might hate pain and hate failures but if you think at another point is a great opportunity to learn from it. 

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