Saturday, September 15, 2012


I decided to blog on the topic > Hope today, requested by my friend
so.. what is Hope?
there is many views and definitions about Hope 

1) The feeling of something you wish that it will happen to you?
    E.g i HOPE i will score straight As for my examination

2) When you are worried for someone?
     E,g i HOPE he is fine..he is sick for a few weeks!

3) A light at the end of a tunnel?
    E.g a cancer patient is at its final cancer stage but there is a sudden turn of events the patient got better.
    there is HOPE!

These is the 3 common daily feelings of HOPE, everybody hopes! so is not a bad thing!
sometimes hope is a tool that drive you forward

A student might be failing every single exam and feel very down, demoralize but when the student improves a little.the feeling of HOPE(a chance of success) will suddenly be in thee student, and the student will use that feeling to push himself/herself further. 

like we always have charity shows, we will donate money by calling its hotlines which gives HOPE to the  patients that they will get well from the money we donated to fund the treatments and equipment

Determination and willpower will be shown by your own when there is no any option left, when your situation is already at the most bottom level. 
E.g something bad happen to you and you still be like.. there is still chance of getting back the same situation you previously.

in my own opinion HOPE is a stepping stone when you failed or you feel very depress 
and having this hope you will have the willpower to stand up and be more stronger and get back what you want which is also linked to the first view stated above, the feeling of something you wish that it will happen to you.

so is like this

You got something > You lost it  > Depressed > Hope > Determination > Get back on your feet

the last stage getting back on your feet dose not mean you can get what you got depends. but you will definitely be stronger 
like this saying a child would not learn how to walk if he dose not fall
also linked to a man wont be successful if he dose not make mistakes and fails
> Making mistakes will help you to learn more instead.

you might not agree to what i say as different people have different views about hope and this is mine stated above. 
An advice to my viewers . Dont give up when you fail. there is hope always even if you could no get your end result at least you learned something to prevent it from happening it again.

                                                           * I Do Not Own This Picture*

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