Saturday, March 16, 2013

~MY Obsession~

Been quite a while since i post something, life seems too boring for me as in everyday doing the same thing, 7.30am wake up go to work > knock off from work ,> eat > rest > sleeep this cycle repeats for like 5 times a week, as 2 days in the week is my off days.

Decided to write about my obsession as my friend requested for the topic when i asked her.
frankly speaking  i like being mysterious hahaha people wan to know me must mix with me to know me more.

But haha shall do a post of some of my obsession!

Money for now is my top obsession, i felt that i did not earn enough this holiday season, to people around my age thinks having that amount is alot but to me is never enough.. money can be never earn enough (exclude millionaires), I felt there is alot of money i need, in future  i need a house, car, starting up a family also, bills, kids education and so on. people spend a few years just to pay off bank loans and installments which i dont really like, i don't like to pay every month, i just wan to like one shot to get it done those kind. which also reflects my other personality which i dont like to own people stuff. unless they really treat me if not will return what i owe.

This is my main problem now, and i am still facing it sometimes, i dont know why but i will start to compete with others for position, grade and maybe fame, is like i wan to be the best of the best, the top.
due to this to me my secondary two and three in my cca i fight for power greatly that i feel i did a very wrong thing trying to be the top. frankly speaking even working with friends in the past, i will like try to out beat my friend. i feel i am quite scary sometimes due to this. is like if is too over obsess with it i will do anything to achieve it.

My current new goal and obsession is being buffed, i been skinny for too long, and i now train my body every 2-3 days i just really wan my body to be more buffed, due to my height i wan to be more stronger too , i dont wan people to think i am short easy to bully etc. now fitness training become a routine and habit for me. if i exceed 3 days of not training i feel insecure. but i guess is a good thing i train my body up,  prepare to go national service which is 3 years from now, hope to get into the Guards Unit.

Johnny Liu Shuen Wei
Must be wondering why this guy is my obsession,?  i am not gay so dont worry!! hhaah he is my favorite junior till now. i dunno why but i feel more comfortable with him than my other juniors not even those from my cca. maybe i dun treat him as a junior at all, more like a brother or a friend, we looked alike too haha which i found it amazing haha hope to hang out with him more in future especially after his Os.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Time to move on.

Been working till now still got 1 month to go before taking a rest from work, kinda tired of working but.. think of it my job is quite straight forward and easy, so many people envy my work life.
maybe i longing to take a break.. since when the last time i really relaxed myself haha.

Yesterday had class chalet it is still quite fun learn a new game that founded by Jie en haha so fun sabo-ing people ahaha but i could not overnight due to work in the morning.

Work was normal but took 2h early dismiss to go for medical check up, it is filled with people even though i am there super early. but got to bare with it. unexpectedly made new friends there while doing checkup as both of us going to the same poly but just that we are in different courses. we get along with each other like know each other for a few minutes can become friends. just like that
we exchanged numbers and i will try to get a job for him as he wanted to work haha
I also coincidence met one of the yishun town secondary school NCC usm and his friend.  his status as a usm in YTSS made me respect him abit more as YTSS NCC is one of the best unit in central district (if i am not wrong).  Both of them same poly, same school (school of engineering) but different course.
Start to feel like as if i am going into a new phrase of life, making new friends and experience new things.

Some things cannot bare to let go but must let go.