Friday, June 1, 2012

Scrolling along a Canal (18/03/2011)

~i dont know the scientific name of  this animal so yea i  classified them as lizards~

~i was bored walking along a canal and saw this lizard having a sun tan, could not get close as it will run away~, have to snap a picture from a far~

~ I continued walking and saw another one but this was  semi reddish color . hmm a coincidence? they love to be on the stone structure sun tanning~

~ i decide to have a close up shot with this reddish lizard~

~Guess i disturbed it sun tanning, sorry little creature didnt mean it~

~This the last lizard i saw on that day on a another stone structure. man they all look the same wondering ... that point of time is it their favorite time to sun tan?~

~This is i saw it by chance.. the photo is kinda
 blur-ish as my camera did not focus on the right position, i do not dare to move as i might scare off this cute insect~

These photos were taken on 18/03/2011 , i do not feel like going home at that time so decide to take stroll along a canal near my school and find nature to take picture with. Nature do take me out of my urban life and stresses.

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