Wednesday, May 30, 2012

KTM railway(Tanjong Pargar)

~Trying to get a better view of the building~

~ A clearer view of the building~

~ Stuck outside finding a way to get in but continue to take picture~ 

~The main building of the station~

~ The main door of the station~

These photo are taken on 17/05/2011, i planned a trip with my friends  to visit KTM before it officially closes and demolished but i got the date wrongly so we could not enter the station in the end, the rain was getting bigger so we had to seek shelter of a bus stop and decide to go to Serangoon to have our dinner since we could not enter KTM despite we tried to find a entrance, A pity could not go in but still manage to snap these pictures 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Brotherhood Love (22/1/2011)

One of my best friend as good as my brother, was standing under the sunlight so i wanted to take a photo of him then i saw this, similar type of photo which i upload recently with the sun behind, but this photo is instant blank which make it very unique 

Another best friend also a brother to me did this,
cool right? 3D sand heart shape will do someday when i am out to East Coast   

These 2 photo taken on 22/1/2011, that time i am very down so me and my 3 best friend went to East Coast actually the main purpose is for me to make me feel better there. and yes i feel much better when i am with them that time. can count on them when i needed company, love them lots~

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Still photographing the sun (2/11/2010)

Tomorrow is O level Chinese.. don really know how to react to it but pray hard for tomorrow hope the questions are easy. time to post some pictures 

This was done by my friends , it formed a diamond or a leaf shape with the sun at its back ground. the sun been very nice to us on that day too beautiful to resist also still having much fun snapping pictures

A scene when the sun is almost about to set. the clouds itself is filled across the horizon, on the sky, a very very rare sight for me and it really look marvelous, simply could not describe the scene wonder is there still a chance to see this again

A view when i am at the edge of the rock the sun turning orange-reddish when it sets shining light on the clouds

Another rare sight, the sun sets but still shining light on the clouds. making this scene Incredibly beautiful and it look like some kind of scene in some movies. got my friend to put her hand up to make it more perfect for this scene 

~looking forward to post more photos as well as taking more pictures in the future~

Friday, May 25, 2012

Love is along the beach

Last day of Chinese revision and class but still wants to post a photo today

Taken on 02/11/2010, my friends did this and  took a picture of it, it blends well with the sun shine brightly at the back ground and it is at the center of the heart shape and to represent their love for one another , i am at the other side of the rock that time so didnt know they took this picture till the end of the day.

A picture by the beach

Decide to post a photo today after a long day
This photo is taken on 2/11/2010 able to found it on my com somehow. that day was my birthday so me and my friends went to East Coast Park to celebrate my birthday while we were on the rock i played with my phone and saw this sun surrounding with clouds and i told my friend not to move and able to capture this scene and it is one of my best photo currently.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Scenery Photos taken at year 2011

~A Cloud look like a person~

This photo was taken on 23/3/2011 by chance i was sitting by the field in my school and saw this scene so i took a picture of it , to me it do look like a person formed by the clouds. the first scenery shot by my galaxy s 1. my previous phone spoiled including the pictures in is gone did not transfer to my computer. 

~ UFO? a night photo but look like space
    (lack of stars) ~ 

Photo taken on 23/3/2011 at around 11pm at night, again. by chance. at the bus stop near my school and i looked up there is this small thing (the small little white dot near the street light) flying in the sky frankly speaking to me first thing come to my mind.. UFO! but yea i know is not or maybe it is? i don;t know, i took this picture because i am bored. but to me the street light is like the sun and the night sky is space. 

~reddish clouds,purple-ish clouds~

Photo taken on 24/3/2011 early morning my school starts. same place where i took my first picture. by the field by chance took a picture of reddish clouds in the sky due to the raising of the sun. is really beautiful when i saw it. love the purple-ish parts of the clouds.

~Half Cloud Half Sky

Photo taken on 25/4/2011 late afternoon near evening at the top of a HDB block near my school, taken by chance, it show a half cloud half clear sky scene, frankly speaking is like one of my few times able to see such scene so took a picture of it as i wait for the cloud to disperse or move slowly. 

 ~ Rainbow sky at the Background~

Photo taken on 25/4/2011, taken by chance after some time i took the photo above when the clouds move away and i saw this as the sun is setting it form a rainbow sky at the bottom but yea could not really see in the photo but this is one of my best photos i have . i watch the sky slowly changes it color as the time passed .

~Semi Rising Sun~

Photo taken on 28/4/2011, finally saw a beautiful scene taken by chance, sitting by the field early in the morning about to have my meeting there, the sun is slowly rising when i took this picture. actually i feel that this picture make me like in some kind of prison where the field fence it look like some prison fence. 

~Holy Sun~ 

Photo taken on 28/4/2011 after some time of the photo above, indeed the holy sun telling myself when i saw this scene and quickly used my phone and took a picture of it, the clouds covered the bottom of the sun and it look as if is like heaven there. A rare sight i must say.

~ Morning Sun~

  ~Morning Sun~

Photo taken on 7/4/2011 after a week since my last photo taking of scenery , actually i see this seen every morning as this is the 3rd floor view in my school i taken it when i going to class to put my bags before the school starts, a morning sun make me feel a good for the day. hope to see more morning sun when i go to school in the future

~Daylight Moon~
Photo taken on 21/4/2011 frankly speaking i not a very consistent photographer. i only take pictures when i see a scene which is nice by chance. in future have more time i shall make my own chance rather than waiting for it. yea this picture i took when i am standing on my school parade square around late afternoon when there is no teacher (school rules: cannot use phone outside of canteen) so yea quickly snap and quickly return to canteen, yea the white thingy is the moon didnt know the moon rise so early.

~ Tornado Cloud~

Photo taken on 7/5/2011 , around late afternoon when i took this photo but to me it look like a tornado, so took a picture of it when i am at a remote field a place which previously was a cemetery. and is like the only cloud there so i think is kinda special.

~Tree in Light~

Photo taken on 7/5/2011, on the same exact spot i just turned my body 180 degree around and saw this scene. is kinda beautiful as the light shine straight through the tree and yea is very bright for me too i can say that the camera phone i have is seriously good as it can see from the picture the light ray or refraction? at the left of the photo.

~Dark Clouds Swarming~

Photo taken on 10/5/2011, early morning i was outside my classroom and i am preparing to enter my class room for my exam and i saw this scene when the dark clouds are moving quickly another panic shot from me and with the help of my friend when he ask me to take photo of the sky quickly.

~My Study Place/Location~

Photo taken on 10/5/2011 around mid afternoon when i was at Cat Socrates a shop that allow you to read books and to study near Bugis and Bras Basah, got bored with studying and took a picture of my study table at that time, the drink is nice and still currently enjoying it as always. frankly speaking that drink is a drink where me and my ex drink all the time when we studied there together. good memories. 

~Sunset tree by the roadside(1)~

Photo taken on 13/5/2011 when i walking home from my bus stop i saw this tree and the background of the sun setting down. gives me a very peaceful feeling when i see scene like this so i took a picture.

~Sunset tree by the roadside(2)

Photo taken on 23/5/2011 walking home from my bus stop is a nearby tree on the photo above. 

~Sunset trees by the roadside(3)~

Photo taken on 22/7/2011 , 2 months since my last scenery photo taking been studying and doing my DNT coursework,  i am walking home from my usual bus stop and  i saw this scene is not only trees in a sunset background but with the clouds it look very beautiful a special photo when the cloud and the sunset and the trees combined together.

~Sun Set~

Photo taken on 16/8/2011, a few weeks from my last scenery photo, this time i am back at the HDB block when i took this photo when the sun is setting down beautifully, and it is just nice before the buildings cover the sun, a beautiful sight.

~Heart Shape Clouds~

Photo taken on 19/8/2011 , it was late afternoon when i took this photo i was at east Coast Park sitting at the Sea Rock or wave breaker?( dont know what it is called) , i looked up at the sky and saw this . clouds formed together like a heart shape. to me is a uncommon sight to see clouds forming shape and picture. make me feel love is in the air when i saw this!

~SunSet view by the beach~

Photo taken on 19/8/2011, about the same timing when i took the Heart Shape Clouds standing on the rock and took this photo with the sun setting on the other side .

~Arrow Fish Cloud~

Photo taken on 19/8/2011, about the same timing after i took photo above, still standing on the rock and when i see the front i saw this cloud.. at first to me is some kind of Arrow cloud  cloud but also look like Arrows > but i saw this which look like a fish head at the right of the cloud  so took a picture of it and name it Arrow Fish Cloud

~Chasing Clouds~

   ~Overall View~

Photo taken on 19/8/2011, about the same timing after i took the photo above, still on the rocks. i do love to slack at the rocks so yea.  i turned back to the right and saw the clouds split it made me feel these 2 clouds like chasing each other like the small dragons chasing each other in chinese friction shows.

~Fish diving into the clouds~

Photo taken on 19/8/2011 after i took the above picture i turn back to the front and wow saw this scene is like a picture diving into the clouds or eating the clouds. the clouds merge together and form like a fish body and still the cloud look like a fish head did not change which make the cloud really look  like a fish now .

thats all for my photos uploading for today. will upload more after a few days as i got chinese O level to handle. hope you like today's post. 


Photography have been my interest since at the age of 14 when i have a good camera phone , the pictures i will post later or on another day is all taken by camera phone (will get a proper camera soon) so the pictures is not that professional looking but i think is still acceptable~ i mostly take pictures of Scenery or Nature, so yea hope you will like it! will improve my photography skills when i have time to research and learn more.