Wednesday, July 25, 2012

DNT Artifact almost completed

It been awhile since i last posted, been busy with DNT lately.. been redoing and redoing and redoing.. finally about 60% of my artifact is done. Not much homework lately and i really thank God for that as need some rest after 2months of hardcore DNT but nevertheless have to study for my upcoming prelims and O lvl 89 days more. over this past month a lot of things happened, and.i am quite tired of the events happening now. but have to persevere!, hope things get better. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Dnt product is almost completed

After so many weeks, i finally able to almost complete my DNT product. been very busy nowadays so did not really have the time and chance to take photos. will try to take some when i am done or by luck if i saw a good scenery. o levels is drawing near. 108 days left getting more and more nervous . will start to study very hard soon, and all the best to myself for my chinese oral at tuesday, quite poor in chinese . oh well haha.